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Discover Your True Self And Join This 8-Week Transformational Experience


Founded In The Life-Changing Methods Of Tony Robbins To Break Through Your Limits And Tear Down The Barriers Keeping You From Your Authentic, Unstoppable Self.

Real Community. Real Results

"It’s the weekly girls night you’ve always wanted."

“In UHPW you find there’s something exceptional yet unique about the female experience and it feels darn good to know you’re not alone. Tony in his infinite wisdom and KK the ultimate girl’s girl have created a space where women across all age groups and walks of life can come together to laugh, cry, learn, be seen and just be.”
- Perla P. UHPW Graduate

"I lost 90 pounds, have reclaimed my health."

“In UHPW I created my new Identity, Elle. I immersed myself in the program and fast forward to today I’ve become her! I lost 90 pounds, have reclaimed my health and am becoming the version of myself I always knew I was meant to be.”
- Kacie C. UHPW Graduate

"I will never go back 
to hiding."

“I used to believe it’s hard to build friendships after a certain age but this community changed that. I will never go back to hiding. I know who I am now and It’s so freeing. This program is everything.”
-  Lucy A. UHPW Graduate

"I lost 90 pounds, have reclaimed my health."

“In UHPW I created my new Identity, Elle. I immersed myself in the program and fast forward to today I’ve become her! I lost 90 pounds, have reclaimed my health and am becoming the version of myself I always knew I was meant to be.”
- Kacie C. UHPW Graduate

"It’s the weekly girls night you’ve always wanted."

“In UHPW you find there’s something exceptional yet unique about the female experience and it feels darn good to know you’re not alone. Tony in his infinite wisdom and KK the ultimate girl’s girl have created a space where women across all age groups and walks of life can come together to laugh, cry, learn, be seen and just be.”
- Perla P. UHPW Graduate

"I will never go back to hiding."

“I used to believe it’s hard to build friendships after a certain age but this community changed that. I will never go back to hiding. I know who I am now and It’s so freeing. This program is everything.”
- Lucy A. UHPW Graduate

A Life Unleashed 
Starts Here.

What would it feel like to be truly fulfilled and authentically yourself? 

To stop searching outside of yourself for happiness? 

If you’re here today, it’s likely because you crave a life filled with “more”...more love, passion, joy and abundance…more genuine moments…?

But you sometimes feel trapped in your day-to-day life and the expectations of others.

Maybe it’s that years of ignoring your true self has left you hiding in plain sight, feeling disconnected from your vibrant, passionate spirit.

Or maybe you’ve got many things people consider part of a “good life” - family, career, a home - yet, in quiet moments, you can’t help but wonder… "Is this all there is?"

Either way, you’ve come to the right place…

If You Truly Want to Unleash Yourself and Embody Who You Are at Your Core... 
The Only Way to Accomplish That Is Immersion

If You Truly Want to Unleash Yourself and Embody Who You Are at Your Core... 
The Only Way to Accomplish That Is Immersion

Immersion goes beyond just a conceptual understanding…

It's about living, breathing, and embodying your transformation until your newfound truth seeps into the fabric of your being, forever altering the course of your life.

That's where Unleash Her Power Within (UHPW) comes in.

It’s the ONLY female-focused personal transformation program founded in the life-changing principles of Tony Robbins.

More than just surface-level “positive thinking”...

This transformational 8-week program is where we strip away the clutter gathered on your journey through life to rediscover who you really are – deep in your core. 

Get ready to come home to yourself and rekindle the spark within!

Discover The  4 Essential Phases Of
Transformation We Must All Go Through

Week by week, you’ll join an incredible community of women worldwide as you tear down the barriers keeping you from your true self, so you can step into your potential and live the life you were destined to live.

This happens in four distinct phases:


Awakening Phase

Here you’ll gain clarity on where you are now (a foundation) so we can discover where you ultimately want to go. You’ll identify the chokeholds of growth in your life and uncover how to turn fear or resistance into power. So instead of giving in to feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness…

…You unlock the confidence to be who you were truly designed to be.


Creation Phase

Most people know what to do to create change, but they need help to create lasting change. In this phase, you’ll experience powerful exercises designed to expand both your identity and understanding of what true transformation feels like. So instead of living out deeply ingrained patterns and beliefs…

…You evolve beyond your own limitations and tap into your fullest potential. 


Transformation Phase

It’s one thing to think about your new identity, but it’s another to live it. In this phase, you confront and shatter your limiting beliefs, gaining the crucial skills to reinvent yourself and your life. You’ll master the 3 forces of transformation, so instead of short-term inspiration that fades as old habits creep in…

You set the stage for lasting change and immeasurable growth.


Momentum Phase

Here, you’ll uncover the essential skills to keep up the momentum you’ve wanted for so long. When you do, creating the life of your dreams won’t feel like discipline or a grind. It will feel easy because you’ve fully integrated these principles to become a part of who you are.

So instead of feeling stuck or stifled in the pursuit of your goals…

You consistently reach new heights of happiness, abundance, and fulfillment.
Miss even ONE of these four phases, and any changes you experience will be skin-deep at best, leaving the unstoppable woman rising within you to slowly fade into the shadows again.


Unleash Your Life’s True, Untapped, Maximum Potential At Unleash The Power Within Live With Tony Robbins

UHPW is the pathway to Unleash The Power Within in November — the ultimate immersive experience where you’ll work directly with Tony over 4 intensive days to…

Step into a transformative 4-day experience to fast-track growth & compress decades into days. 

Unleash the Power Within is unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever experienced before...’s a concert of human emotion.’s the inflection point to a new life path.

You get to take what you learned in UHPW and have the opportunity to truly step into your power. 

Step away from the daily grind and dive into the essence of YOU. Get to know the true you and the power that you hold inside you. 

Address unanswered questions that run in the back of your mind every single day… because clarity is POWER. 

And...Create Lasting Change in a Single Weekend.
"UPW supercharged my energy and focus and allowed me to triple my business in two months after the event. I'm so much more effective in all I do and I feel even more fulfilled than ever before. Total game changer."

– Jenny McKinney
"UPW took my self-love and awareness to a new level. I am now empowered to make choices based on the life I want to create with unstoppable energy. It's been an epic shift!"

– Amanda Moss
 "Before UPW I was simply living and surviving. Since UPW, I no longer crumble under the weight of challenges I face, and I have new strength that empowers me every day. I am living a fulfilling life with purpose."

- Lucy Fernandes

Don’t Settle For Less

UHPW's 8-week program isn’t about changing you; it's about revealing the true you hidden beneath layers of doubt and understanding.

Embrace an INTERNAL locus of control – where you command your life's narrative.

The unstoppable woman? She doesn’t let herself be her own barrier.

She doesn't stifle her dreams.
She stands by her desires.
She embraces her grand purpose.
She radiates her inner brilliance.
She values her insights.
She trusts her decisions.
She listens to her intuition.

The unstoppable woman seizes her power, believes wholeheartedly in herself, knows her worth, and owns her future.

She doesn’t just seek a place in this world – she becomes the foundation.

The unstoppable woman doesn't chase power; she embodies it from within.

Unapologetically. Wholly. Authentically.

The unstoppable woman is you!

Past Guides

Sage Robbins is the spiritual and heart-centered leader behind Unleash Her Power Within and the wife of author, life strategist, and philanthropist Tony Robbins.
Sage Robbins is the spiritual and heart-centered leader behind Unleash Her Power Within and the wife of author, life strategist, and philanthropist Tony Robbins.

This Program Is For You, If You…

  • Are wrestling with the realization you want more – more love, joy, passion, and abundance – yet, unsure of how to break free from the hidden barriers holding you back
  • Remember the woman you used to be - the one brimming with energy, passion, and a zest for life - but she now seems like a distant memory
  • Are tired of playing it safe, hiding your authentic self, and stifling your desires under the weight of others’ expectations or the roles you play
  • Are feeling drained by surface level conversations, yearning for deeper and more meaningful experiences and connections
  • Know that you’re done putting yourself last on your list!
UHPW is designed around core transformative strategies derived from proven psychological, neurological, and spiritual practices. 

It's a unique blend of guidance, exercises, and group experiences that will challenge, inspire, and ultimately empower you

UHPW Total Value is More Than $2,700 

THE PROGRAM - $1,395

Alongside a community of women from around the globe, you will learn Tony Robbins core fundamental teachings of transformation broken down into an easy to digest, fun and spaced-out curriculum. These 8 weeks are a chance to retreat from your memorized ways and reprogram the way that you live. It’s a journey from who you’ve practiced being to who you really are. Classes are recorded and can be watched at any time. 

Unleash The Power Within VIRTUAL - $895

The signature element of this course – it’s where all of your hard work comes together. In the seventh week of UHPW you will attend Tony Robbins' revolutionary four-day seminar that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world over the past 4.5 decades. 

This is a fully immersive, energy-pumping experience guaranteed to shake you out of your old patterns and habits, create breakthroughs and be the catalyst for lasting change. It’s the greatest personal growth event in history. 


The heartbeat of UHPW is our global community of passionate women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures boldly claiming the future of their dreams. Our graduates collectively represent 75 different countries. 

EXCLUSIVE Program materials - $150

Everything you need to succeed in this program is inside your welcome box, shipped to you no matter where you’re located in the world. That includes your UHPW program workbook, over 100 pages of thought-provoking value, and a stack of materials from Tony for your UPW experience. 


​Unleash The Power Within Implementation
Workshop - $297

A bonus element of the UHPW program – these breakouts connect you in a small group weekly to share, connect and foster new relationships. By the end of this program, you could have up to 40 new friends. 

Meet Tony Robbins

Meet Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is the #1 life strategist on the planet. During his 46 year career, he’s impacted the lives of more than 30 Million women worldwide. Let’s join Tony and immerse ourselves in an uplifting space that can transform how we live — giving us confidence, self-belief, and the unbridled passion and fulfillment we deserve!

Money-Back Guarantee

You can try the Unleash Her Power Within program at absolutely no risk thanks to our No-Questions-Asked 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Here’s how it works:

Go through the program materials, attend your Power Prep session, and join us for the coaching calls. 

If, within the FIRST 14 DAYS, you’re not 100% convinced this program holds the answers you’ve been searching for, simply let us know and we’ll issue you a FULL and PROMPT refund!

So you don’t need to say ‘YES’ right now. 

Just say ‘MAYBE’ and find out AT NO RISK if this is for you. You have nothing to lose, and a beautiful new life as the unstoppable, authentic YOU to gain!
Your unlimited future is calling…

Tap Into Your Fullest Potential

“Opened my eyes to my true essence”

UHPW has radically transformed me. For most of my life I had allowed fear to control me. I have been afraid to do anything risky. UHPW has helped me to find and unleash a woman who knows her worth and is comfortable in her skin. When I look in the mirror now, I see a woman who is becoming the very best version of herself. The best part is I no longer seek anyone’s approval because I am so comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming.
-Simonne MacLeod

“The best decision I ever made”

Being a rule breaker and attending UHPW was the best decision I have ever made. Before UHPW I was in a depression that I didn’t realize I was living. KK has changed my life in ways you can only imagine and I pray if anyone is searching for fulfillment that they take that first step and join UHPW. I am a true believer that life will never be the same.
– Kaili Hansen

“I no longer seek anyone’s approval.”

UHPW has changed my life and opened my eyes to the true essence of the person I am meant to be. It has taken my confidence to a whole new level that I tucked away, buried under thirty plus years of self-doubt. I am heading towards optimal health and vitality goals, and I am utterly enjoying the process of doing so. There is so much beauty in this community, especially the inner beauty. This is my third round of UHPW, and I love it. I am an alumni for life!
- Teri Zarate

“Opened my eyes to my true essence”

UHPW has radically transformed me. For most of my life I had allowed fear to control me. I have been afraid to do anything risky. UHPW has helped me to find and unleash a woman who knows her worth and is comfortable in her skin. When I look in the mirror now, I see a woman who is becoming the very best version of herself. The best part is I no longer seek anyone’s approval because I am so comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming.

-Simonne MacLeod

“The best decision I ever made”

Being a rule breaker and attending UHPW was the best decision I have ever made. Before UHPW I was in a depression that I didn’t realize I was living. KK has changed my life in ways you can only imagine and I pray if anyone is searching for fulfillment that they take that first step and join UHPW. I am a true believer that life will never be the same.

– Kaili Hansen

“I no longer seek anyone’s approval.”

UHPW has changed my life and opened my eyes to the true essence of the person I am meant to be. It has taken my confidence to a whole new level that I tucked away, buried under thirty plus years of self-doubt. I am heading towards optimal health and vitality goals, and I am utterly enjoying the process of doing so. There is so much beauty in this community, especially the inner beauty. This is my third round of UHPW, and I love it. I am an alumni for life!

- Teri Zarate

Tap Into Your Fullest Potential

“Opened my eyes to my true essence”

UHPW has radically transformed me. For most of my life I had allowed fear to control me. I have been afraid to do anything risky. UHPW has helped me to find and unleash a woman who knows her worth and is comfortable in her skin. When I look in the mirror now, I see a woman who is becoming the very best version of herself. The best part is I no longer seek anyone’s approval because I am so comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming.
-Simonne MacLeod

“The best decision I ever made”

Being a rule breaker and attending UHPW was the best decision I have ever made. Before UHPW I was in a depression that I didn’t realize I was living. KK has changed my life in ways you can only imagine and I pray if anyone is searching for fulfillment that they take that first step and join UHPW. I am a true believer that life will never be the same.
– Kaili Hansen

“I no longer seek anyone’s approval.”

UHPW has changed my life and opened my eyes to the true essence of the person I am meant to be. It has taken my confidence to a whole new level that I tucked away, buried under thirty plus years of self-doubt. I am heading towards optimal health and vitality goals, and I am utterly enjoying the process of doing so. There is so much beauty in this community, especially the inner beauty. This is my third round of UHPW, and I love it. I am an alumni for life!
- Teri Zarate

Frequently Asked Questions

Unleash Her Power Within is a transformative 8-week program, anchored in Tony Robbins’ life-changing methods, but designed specifically for women. 

It includes 8 live training sessions, a ticket to either a virtual or in-person Unleash The Power Within event, access to a private online library of course content, and a thriving community for UHPW students, among other benefits. 

It’s a powerful journey of self-discovery that helps you break down limiting beliefs and habits, allowing you to embrace your most powerful authentic self.
We want you to feel confident about your investment in this transformative program. That’s why we offer a No-Questions-Asked 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee. 

If you’re not happy for any reason, simply email us and we'll issue you a prompt and courteous refund.
The program is designed to fit into your busy schedule. Each week, there will be a live training session that typically lasts around 2 hours. Additionally, there will be assignments and exercises that you can complete at your own pace. 
This program is for any woman who wants to break free from limiting beliefs, rediscover her authentic self, and create a more fulfilling life. Whether you feel stuck in your career, relationships, or personal growth, UHPW can provide the tools and community you need to initiate powerful, lasting change.
The content of both events is the same. The main difference is the medium of delivery. The virtual event allows you to participate from the comfort of your home, while the in-person event offers the unique energy and immediacy of being physically present with Tony and fellow UHPW community members. Both are incredible and life-changing experiences. Both offer community, comrade and  connection. 
Yes! Unleash Her Power Within is an international program. Our community consists of women from around the world. All live sessions are recorded, so you can access them at a time that suits you best.
Yes! We offer an Easy-Pay Payment Plan option. This allows you to split the cost of the program into three manageable monthly payments.
We kick off the program September 27th! Until then we'll have some pre-program material for you to get started and into momentum. You also get access to all the bonuses and courses that are offered during the summit offer.
That's great! Click on the "Join The Waitlist" button to start be notified when doors to UHPW are open!
*For each designated action made through December 31, 2023, Tony Robbins and his partners will contribute a minimum of 4 million meals to Feeding America. $1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America ® on behalf of local member food banks.